We all seem to live and breathe
social media. Take that away for just
two days, and we’re likely to suffer some serious withdrawal symptoms – ok, so
perhaps that’s an exaggeration. If you
were to meet someone on the street and asked for his contact information, the
likely response would probably be: Are
you on Facebook? And don’t be surprised
if you get directed to some other social networking site that you’ve never even
heard of. That’s right, technology is
evolving by the minute as we speak!
This is all well and good but we
have to ask – in today’s tech-savvy world, are we losing our sense of human
voice and touch? Is social media killing
the art of personal communication, and how is it affecting our everyday lives?
As I look on my iPad I currently have apps for Facebook,
Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tango, Path (my new favorite),
FourSquare, Voxer, and Google +. These are all different social media platforms
that many of us take part in on a daily basis. Sometimes I wonder how I even
keep up with it all. Tweeting one second, while updating my status on Facebook
and posting a picture on Instagram the next, it can be tiring.
I believe social networking technology has changed our lives
for the better, but at a cost. Social networking tools have made it nearly
effortless for me to keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. I can
know what's on their minds, who else they know, and even what they are doing at
this very moment. On the other hand, I'm not sure I need to know any of that.
While all humans need to feel connected to each other or to
some cause, there are also times when we simply want to disconnect, and
disconnecting is becoming increasingly hard thanks to social networking
technology. As one who was bitten by the Blackberry bug, I can attest that the
pull of these wireless electronic is often too strong to resist. Today, we
experience a feeling of isolation when our Internet
connections go down,
revealing just how dependent we've become on the connective power of the Web.
I remember every time our internet wi-fi connection stopped
working, meaning there are no e-mail, no voicemail, no Facebook, no Skype, and
no Twitter, my siblings would panic for a moment but would eventually get out
of their rooms and really talk. I enjoy those moments. I use various types of
electronic communication on a regular basis and have to admit I can't remember
what life was like without it. Enjoy the benefits of these technologies, but
don't forget to make time for valuable face-to-face contact. There will never
be a substitute for comforting words followed by a big hug!